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Control Your Own Happiness

{ Photo by: Tara Lilly }

It's 4:30pm and it's my birthday, you guys. So basically I'm on cloud nine and feeling all the birthday love from so many people in my life. I'm so thankful for every single one of you, near and far. Seriously, it's making me feel so loved.

But this birthday-happiness-glow is fleeting, right? I mean tomorrow AM, I'll wake up, rub my mascara smudged eyes (because we all know I'll be having a few glasses of vino at Ruth's Chris tonight) and feel that Wednesday slump before even jumping and/or staggering out of my bed. But what if I said that it doesn't have to be fleeting? Craziness, right? I mean I'm guilty for having that up-and-down weekday flow and letting other peoples happiness and well, unhappiness influence my mood. Not cool. Nope not at all. 

This is a topic I've wanted to talk about for awhile, but I guess this week felt like the right time to chat about it. Between the every day struggles (work, money, relationships, etc.) it's easy to get caught up in other peoples moods. Picture this: you walk into JCrew and you're sifting through a pile of bubble gum pink cashmere sweaters. Too specific? Ok, so I've been eyeing that sweater. I digress.

You've been in a great mood all day. And a lady comes by and rudely snatches a size you were just about to pick up. She mutters something at you and quickly walks away with the one sweater you wanted. You're immediately annoyed, frustrated and well your good mood just turned sour. 

What the heck, you guys. This happens to me all the time. Maybe I take things too personally, but my mood can be influenced by those around me. Hey I even mentioned it in my New Years post a few weeks ago. It's so easy to feel like the negatives outweigh the positives, but don't let that happen. You have total control over your mood, and how you approach your day, your week, and everything in between. So don't fall into someone else's vibe because honestly, you never know what's going on with them. A tip I try to remember is that you really never know what someone is going through. Maybe they just found out their dad is sick or they're struggling financially  -- you really never know. Try to see the good in people and don't let a fleeting moment of negativity rub off on your happiness. :)