And just like that it's January 5th. Insert all the New Years resolutions. You know the drill - finding a treadmill at the gym is some sort of personal hell, the Instagram QOTDs are filled with uplifting motivational messages, and you can't help but judge your friend for trying "Dry January" and failing...on day 4. Guilty? Yes. You know the basic New Years Resolution stuff. I've been there. And well, I've done that. You can check out my post from last year. I mean haven't we all made resolutions? But are New Years resolutions actually more detrimental to your goals than inspiring? Maybe so.
This year, I've decided instead of taking the time to make resolutions and goals -- you know making it to the gym 6-days a week, packing my lunch more than eating out because well, that $10 a day grilled chicken salad is good for my waistline, but not so much for my bank account. This year, I'm going to make an effort to change my outlook on how I approach my persona life. Yes, they're sort of resolutions, but more so perspective changes. Yes, hitting spin class at 6am MWF is a major success, but not necessarily making me a better person.
1. Not Taking Things So Personally
I'm that girl who thinks something's immediately off if I get a "short" text from a friend. Guilty. I don't know what it is, but I've always been a super sensitive person (maybe it's because I'm the baby in my family? I'm going to continue to make that my excuse. ;) ). As much as I pride myself on being "strong" - I most certainly have my moments. It's something I need to work on and have been trying to work on; building that tough skin. You know those times when you're sitting at work or at drinks with friends and someone is just in a bad mood? Does it rub off on you? Does it change your mood? Well, sadly that happens to me. I want to be more in control of my own mood and realize just because someone else isn't necessarily happy in that moment, I shouldn't let that influence my own demeanor.
2. Being Present
I know, I know this is super broad and maybe a little cliche, but taking the time to be present in every situation is important to me. Does it mean I'm always present? Absolutely not, but choosing to remember the memories and be in the moment rather than capture them on an Insta story or a Snapchat is something I need to be better at.
3. Prioritize...Better
As you know, I haven't been good at updating this blog. I love it. But I haven't been consistent. I beat myself up for that. It's a space where I can express myself, whether that's sharing my favorite makeup finds for winter or sharing a little more personal stuff like my mom. It's become a sanctuary for me. This year, making time for this blog is a top priority for me. I'm not trying to make an income off it (hey, if that happens - great), but really it's something I enjoy doing -- I've always loved writing and I vow to push it higher on my priority list.
4. No more comparing myself to others
Ladies, I'm sure you can relate to this one. I compare myself to others. It's bad. If I'm looking at an Instagram picture of a fit model in a bikini, I compare myself. Are my workouts not hitting the mark? Should I be going to the gym more often? If I'm on Facebook and see engagement pictures or friends traveling the world - I compare myself. Should I be at that "step"? Should I be backpacking across Europe or moving across the country to take a new job? It's inevitable to stress out about where you fit into the full picture, especially when it comes to the future. But what's the point? (I even wrote about this a few years ago) Sometimes I have to remind myself to slow it down. Nothing needs to be rushed. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be and for that I'm content.
5. Be patient....and breathe
As someone who's notorious for being a spaz, you can say I'm all over the place and well, impatient. It's not my strong suit, but something I plan on working -- not just in 2018, but moving forward.