lipstick + love

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Embrace the Simplicity

Life is full of many moments. Some small, others large – but the teeny moments, those tend to mean the most.

For me, I feel like every single moment should be built on a large scale. Having a dinner date should be an event – everything and anything should be well-thought out, planned and mapped out. In this case, I'm the planner. Planning everything from what I’ll be wearing to what I’ll be drinking (hello Malbec) to the emotions I’ll be feeling.

It's exhausting.

I need to stop; relax and treasure the tiny moments. Dinner dates that include Mad Men episodes, sushi and silly company are the ones that really mean the most. I won’t remember the edamame, but I will remember putting chopsticks in our mouths like the narwhal in Elf. Yep, we’re that kind of goofy.

Stopping the car to take a quick picture of a gorgeous view (even if it means I’ll be 2 minutes late to work) makes me realize that I need to slow down, relax and treasure the small moments. Not everything needs to be planned – the littlest moments are the ones to savor.

Take it from me, pour yourself a glass (or two) of wine, kick your heels off and enjoy the simplicity of your life - it's really a beautiful thing.