These past 5+ months have been filled with some pretty big changes, to say the least. At the end of November, I packed up my belongings in a few suitcases and took a chance on a new job and a new city. Scared, doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt. I was terrified. I was anxious. I was excited. I was everything all at once. But I moved. I packed my life into my Honda Civic and I moved. I took a chance on a new city and that in itself took some guts.
Fast forward to March. I left my job. It was the job that brought me to Charlotte; the one that brought me into a new market; the one that made me take a chance. It didn’t make me happy. The environment was far from what I wanted and I left. For some time, I fought with the question of 'why'.
Why am I in Charlotte? Why did I pick this company? Why is this happening to me?
There were days where I felt like I made a huge mistake by picking up my life, packing up my belongings, and moving to this city that I was supposed to refer to as ‘home’. After days of feeling lost, days of feeling empowered, I got my stride back – as they say. I would make the best of this situation. I would come out of this stronger. I would grow from this experience, but I would not let it define me.
In less than a week after leaving my job, I started a new gig. I couldn’t be happier. Now, I’m surrounded by a passionate team; a team that cheers; a team that laughs; a team that works hard; a team that puts their heart into their work; a team that cares about making a difference.
To me, moving to Charlotte was a somewhat ‘risky’ move. I didn’t know that many people, I didn’t really know the city that well (my first visit was the day of my first interview – gasp!), and I certainly didn’t know what I was getting myself into. These past few months have presented me with one too many pot holes, but in a fleeting moment you’re over them; you move on; you push forward.
Although my first job in Charlotte was less than ideal, it brought me here. That piece of silver lining is something that I’ll forever be grateful for.