With Halloween planning in full swing (stay tuned for a DIY glitter shoe tutorial this week. Can you guess what I'm being? Surprisingly, it's not Snow White.), I've vowed to really embrace every part of the season. Boy is Virginia gorgeous in the fall, however I'm guilty for forgetting to look around and really savor each moment. Fall foliage is here one minute and the next it's almost winter. This week, I've been embracing a few of my fall favorites like enjoying vino at Valhalla Vineyards, glittering pumpkins & skulls and enjoying the last few days of sweater dresses sans tights.
{ The remnants of our fall evening at Valhalla. }
{ The cutest baby pumpkins there ever was. Swoon. }
{ Same girl. New business cards. Pink edges were a total must, ok? Ok. }
{ Glittering pumpkin & skulls. Let's just say, wear gloves. #GlitterEverywhere }
{ The last few days of sweater dresses sans tights. Outfit details here. }