Can 4-day weeks be an actual thing? How can we make this happen?
Getting back into a routine after a much needed 3-day weekend isn't the easiest, but hey, maybe that's what makes them all the more special. Even though this past week has flown by, I am grateful for time spent with friends + family, dinner parties in the prettiest of gardens and fresh flowers from the farmers market. Oh and definitely yummy dinners. Those are nice too.
The older I get the more I truly appreciate the time I get spent laughing with my family. It's funny to think that my teenage-self wouldn't necessarily find it quite as entertaining to hang out with my dad and my girl friend, but my older-self certainly loves it. Life certainly comes full circle and it's definitely a beautiful thing.
{ BYOC. Bring your own chucks (to work day). It's a thing, you guys or at least it should be a thing. }
{ Saturday's at the Farmers' Market are my absolute favorite. }
{ Smith Mountain Lake is my happy place. }