I’ve been scared to type in lipstickandlove in my toolbar and stare at the most recent post – July. Sigh.
Read moreLife as of Lately
These past 5 months have been filled with some pretty big changes, to say the least. At the end of November, I packed up my belongings in a few suitcases and took a chance on a new job and a new city.
Read moreBe Vulnerable
Ok, so my last post was quite emotional. Shout out to those who reached out to me with such kind words, whether they could personally relate or my words just spoke to them. I'm honored that my words could evoke so much emotion for others. You see, right there - I get my passion from you guys.
Read morePassion Starts With A Spark
It’s funny how if you’re passionate about something, you’ll go after it. Hustle real hard. Full throttle. Beast mode. Whatever you call it, you’ll figure out a way to accomplish what you want. Nothing will stop you.
The other day, I had a conversation with someone close to me about blogging, social media and all the factors (there areso many) that go into making a brand, well a brand. Both of us were bouncing ideas back and forth and you could seriously cut the passion between us with a knife. Between helping each other determine content for each of our brands, I felt that passion, that spark – that same passion that got me to start Lipstick + Love. It’s the passion that drives why I am where I am. I love to write. I love to share my life (even if that makes me extremely vulnerable. A new post on putting myself out there will definitely be coming soon), the things that make me happy, the things that don’t, the foods I love, the clothes I love, honestly just everything. If I try a new makeup product, new food, learn some type of lesson, I've always been the type to share it with everyone. Now I'm sharing it with you.
Maybe I’m not fully where I want to be with my blog, but that doesn’t matter to me. What does matter is the passion I have. It’s still there. That spark can’t be stopped and it sure as hell can’t be tamed.
Whatever passions you have in your life, no matter how big or small they are – take the reigns. You want to start painting? Go grab a brush and get started. You want to start a food blog? Throw on an apron and get cooking.
That spark, it’s in all of us. Go find it.
Life as of Lately
Hey Friday, fancy seeing you here already. For real, this week has flown by - um, hello almost-September?
For me, this week has been full of time with friends and that is something I love. A lot.
{ Happy hour with a fellow blogger over bellini's, of course. }
Post-college/being in the 'real world' has taught me that grabbing drinks with friends after work is the equivalent to a dull college night. In the 'real world', it's actually quite wild. Funny how something so small changes after college ends. I mean are we all old now? Can I be 21 again? I miss you, Hokie House. *Crying*
Besides one (or 5) amazing cocktails (River + Rail's 'Solution' margarita is amaze-sauce), this week has given me time to reflect on where exactly I want this blog to go. A colleague has been giving me so much advice/ideas on the posts that I could feature on here and been pushing me to really give this thing a shot. Let's just say its been a week filled with motivation - I can feel my heart beat a little bit faster because hey, I really think I can do this.
{ Late dinners with cocktail hour before are my favorite. }
I have so much I want to do on this blog - everything from makeup reviews, posting my personal outfits, investing in a professional camera, switching this bad-boy to WordPress and actually getting someone to design this thing for me. I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself (because damn, there's so much I want to do on here), but I really don't think I'm going to stop.
I want to make this big. It's about to happen. One-baby-step at a time.
{ Layering bracelets is my new love. }
{ French 75s are back and better than ever. Ask me for the recipe, I got you. }
{ Scrolling through pictures the other day + I forgot how beautiful Roanoke really is. }