Experiences Mean The Most

Driving to work, blasting Stephen Kellogg with the windows down on a gorgeous day, I couldn’t help but get all nostalgic and stuff.  As I belted out “Start the Day Early”, I was simultaneously reminiscing about my freshman year at Virginia Tech.

“Hey, would you like a free ticket to the Stephen Kellogg concert tonight?”

The words were enthusiastic and encouraging as a girl in a VTU t-shirt held up a single ticket to the concert I had been eyeing all week. The entire week I was tempted to buy a ticket, but I couldn’t quite rationalize going to a concert the night before a final. I mean, c’mon I had to study. Right? ::crickets::

You have a final tomorrow, Kim. Stop even thinking it’s an idea that could actually be logical. Seriously. Stop it.”

My head kept telling me it wasn’t a good idea. Book bag, yoga pants and my VT t-shirt screamed 'I’m heading to the library to study. All night. Forever and ever, the end.' I just couldn’t resist.  Don’t do it, stop. The voices kept repeating, but I grabbed the ticket and never looked back at the library.

It might sound completely irresponsible that I didn’t end up pulling an all-nighter at the library, but instead I said, ‘what the hell, I love Stephen Kellogg. When am I going to get an opportunity to see him again?’

I grabbed a seat in the back of the auditorium, threw my book bag on the ground and enjoyed the concert solo. And you know what? I don’t even remember what final I had the next day. That’s the thing; I’ll never remember the final, the paper, the quiz, the assignment, the project, but what I do have is the memories from that concert. To be honest, it was liberating to take the irresponsible route for once in my life. I’ll never forget that concert and I think that’s a hell of a lot more important than that class I can’t seem to even remember.

Patience Is A Virtue

Patience is a virtue.
— B.E.K.

Those words are something I live by now. When I was younger, my mom would tell me that quote as I fidgeted with a tangled necklace or got upset about something I couldn’t control. As annoying as it used to be, it has always been that little voice (playing angel) in the back of my mind.

Yes, I get annoyed at the most uncontrollable things, yes once in awhile (okay, maybe more often than that) get a pang of road rage and hit the horn, but there’s always that reminder in the back of my head. “Kimberly, patience is a virtue.”

Hey, it’s even something we should all take a little time to remember. You can really tell a lot about someone by a few tendencies that we’ve all been guilty of at one time or another. C’mon, who hasn’t gotten annoyed at a pair of tangled headphones?

Wait staff hater: I’ve worked in the food industry for years and well, I can’t tell you enough how much I believe everyone should work in it at some point in their life. Cliché? Absolutely, but I’m still a firm believer in the idea. Boy can you really tell a lot about yourself and others while waiting tables. The way people get so uncontrollably angry at how long their food is taking / end up taking it out on the wait staff. If you’re on a date, take a mental note of how your guy/lady treats the server. It really shows a person’s true colors.

Tangles for days: There’s nothing more annoying than a tangled necklace or headphones. Sometimes I find myself throwing/whipping my headphones around in a frenzy to untangle the mess. After I do it, I realize I look like a crazy person and just need to relax. It’s a knot, not a disease. Calm down.

Traffic racer: Okay, so I’m a speed demon. I’m that a-hole that swerves from lane to lane, trying to beat the jam. I know, I know it’s annoying. I’m working on it, okay?

Long line hater: Everyone hates a long line – I get it. I’m guilty of huffing and puffing at someone moving at a pace slower than that of growing grass, but taking our frustration on someone isn’t going to solve the issue. Take a few breaths and realize waiting to pay for your bottle of vino and box of cookies will be solved, soon enough.

Uncertainty Shapes You

When life gets crazy, losing a sense of how much you've grown is something that usually follows suit. Think back a year ago, 2 years ago, even a month ago. Some pretty incredible things have happened to get you where you are now.


 Sometimes I get caught up in the now, that I forget to remember how much I've grown throughout life, especially since college graduation. It seriously feels like a lifetime ago and that's a little scary. Life gets crazy, but when you slow down to appreciate how many little things happened to get you where you are now, you'll realize uncertainty was part of it all. Whether  you're happy where you are now or not, there's always a force pushing you forward. Onward. Upward. Things go wrong so better things can work out. A bad decision can turn into a right one; it's all in your perspective. 

After college, I was in a place of uncertainty. Uncertain with my path, my degree, my relationships, where the next road in life would take me. This past weekend, a commencement address (I know I'm so cheesy) made me realize that the times of uncertainty are the times that define you; they're the ones that shape and mold you into you. The uncertainty is just part of our growth, it's necessary and normal and a time that should be embraced rather than feared.

Go on and embrace the parts of your life that aren't certain, those feelings of not knowing what's ahead, where you'll be next year or even next month. Don't be afraid of the uncertainty, embrace it and love it. It makes you, you.

Social Media Doesn't Know Best

Oh social media; from engagements, babies, new jobs and  promotions, moving to a new city - wherever life takes you, it’s on social media. Love it or hate it, we all know it’s an inevitable part of our generation.

{ Yes, that is a screenshot of my wedding-inspired board on Pinterest. No shame. I like pretty things, ok? Ok. }

{ Yes, that is a screenshot of my wedding-inspired board on Pinterest. No shame. I like pretty things, ok? Ok. }

For me, it’s way too easy to get wrapped up in being unsure of ‘where I should be’ rather than ‘being content where I am’. Social media can easily add fire to the issue. When an old friend gets engaged, it’s easy to think – wait, should that be me? Should I be moving? Should I have traveled there? Should I be having kids (totally not ready. Just an FYI)? Should I be renting an apartment with my fella? Am I where I want to be?

Boy oh boy, is it overwhelming. It’s like one minute you’re feeling completely content binge-watching Scandal with a glass(ok, bottle) of vino in sweats and the next you’re questioning whether or not she should be purchasing an Ikea dresser or wait, does it even go with your Pinterest board’s color palette? The dilemma...it's there.

Ok, so social media isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon and we must continue to witness everyone’s life changes including, but not limited to: the foods they’re eating, shows they’re watching, which Sex & the City character they’d be in their next life, how the Starbucks barista spelled their name wrong, which day love is 'high' on their zodiac reading, how much fro-yo they ate last night, etc., etc., etc. Yes, I’m guilty for posting a picture (or two, or three) of my newfound love of zucchini noodles or Insta-ing my new unbreakable vino glasses (hello, they're unbreakable!), but I will say I get a little too caught up in others life changes instead of focusing on my own.

Right now, I am where I want to be. No, I’m not engaged, married or on the hunt for a KitchenAid mixer, but I’m content. 

Sometimes I have to remind myself that, “You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.”

My life is certainly a work in progress, but I’m happy. Isn’t that all that really matters?

Feisty Lady

Feisty (adj.): full of animation, energy, or courage; spirited; spunky

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been called ‘feisty’. Maybe it’s because when I was a kid, I wasn’t supposed to be taller than 5’ (talk about short) and I had to compensate for my lack of height.

As a kid, I played with the boys and let’s just say when the boys on my co-ed basketball team wouldn’t pass the girls the ball, I made it a point to jump on one of their backs as my friend swiftly pulled the ball away. No regrets, absolutely none at all. I hope somewhere, someplace, that guy is still telling that story today. My hometown best friend, Kristen, can surely attest to when I was about 7-years-old and I slapped a boy. What can I say, the boy pushed my best friend to the ground during a playful game of SPUD (if you don’t remember SPUD, you were deprived as a child) and I slapped him straight across the face. Laughing till tears fell, I remember running away with Kristen and feeling proud that I stuck up for my friend, even if that meant a firm slap. Oh well.


Although I’ve managed to grow up to be a whopping 5’3”, I’m still considered to be ‘petite’ and ‘feisty’ is still one of my favorite characteristics. Being feisty and well, stubborn at times, is a trait that I can thank my mom for acquiring. She was one feisty Sicilian lady, who could outdrink the guys, steal her mom’s car with her girl friends, get away with dating college guys while she was in high school and didn’t take sh*t from anyone. As I’ve gotten older, I’m proud of my feisty-ness, it keeps people from walking all over me (‘I might be short, but I sure am feisty’ was definitely a signature line I used as a 6-year-old) and it’s a trait I wouldn’t trade. 

No matter what you might be called, embrace it. Sometimes it just might be a part of you that you just couldn’t live without.

Passion Starts With A Spark

It’s funny how if you’re passionate about something, you’ll go after it. Hustle real hard. Full throttle. Beast mode. Whatever you call it, you’ll figure out a way to accomplish what you want. Nothing will stop you.

The other day, I had a conversation with someone close to me about blogging, social media and all the factors (there areso many) that go into making a brand, well a brand. Both of us were bouncing ideas back and forth and you could seriously cut the passion between us with a knife. Between helping each other determine content for each of our brands, I felt that passion, that spark – that same passion that got me to start Lipstick + Love. It’s the passion that drives why I am where I am. I love to write. I love to share my life (even if that makes me extremely vulnerable. A new post on putting myself out there will definitely be coming soon), the things that make me happy, the things that don’t, the foods I love, the clothes I love, honestly just everything. If I try a new makeup product, new food, learn some type of lesson, I've always been the type to share it with everyone. Now I'm sharing it with you.

Maybe I’m not fully where I want to be with my blog, but that doesn’t matter to me. What does matter is the passion I have. It’s still there. That spark can’t be stopped and it sure as hell can’t be tamed.

Whatever passions you have in your life, no matter how big or small they are – take the reigns. You want to start painting? Go grab a brush and get started. You want to start a food blog? Throw on an apron and get cooking.

That spark, it’s in all of us. Go find it.

Success Starts With Habits

Success doesn’t magically appear, those who are successful strive to achieve their success. Right? Right.

To many, success is winning. Yes, it is defined as ‘the accomplishment of one’s goals’, however, it takes a bunch of tiny things to work together to help you achieve that goal.

I read an article the other day that explained the top 3 things successful people do and it made me think of the things I do or rather things I should be doing to not only be successful, but happier.

Sometimes I feel like just doing a few of these things makes me automatically more energized and better about myself.

Give em’ a try and let me know what you think.

Say hello to H20

I’ve never been one to thoroughly enjoy drinking water (caffeine is my water. I’m a very bad girl) unless it’s after a long run or cycle session – then I can’t have enough. I have, however, been ditching the excessive amounts of coffee for excessive amounts of water and it’s life changing. I’ve never been the one to drink pop (soda, if you’re into calling it that) and I’ve always opted for water when I’m out to eat, but maybe it’s my forgetfulness that makes me forget to drink it throughout the day. You know, to stay hydrated and stuff – the necessary things. Anyways, I’ve been drinking it more and just feeling better. No more caffeine headaches or those weird tummy aches you get from too much caffeine. Did I mention my anxiety has definitely decreased? Well it has.

Early bird gets to sweat

Ok so I changed that saying up a bit, but you get the idea. Working out in the mornings has been my thang for a few months now. Many of you probably ::cringed:: when you read that, but not only do I beat the after-work crowd, but I feel so energized and relaxed (honestly, even happier) before work to take on my day. I love getting out of work and not having to lug myself into the gym. Oh and it definitely doesn’t hurt to have evenings open to grab cocktails with friends.

To-do list = lifesaver

I don’t know about you, but my to-do list is my serious lifesaver. Not only do I love crossing things off my list (guilty: adding things I’ve already done, just to cross them off. Opps.), but making one altogether is enough to keep me focused. Just ask my co-workers, I have lists on lists at work.

Routine is key

There was a period of time post-graduation, where I felt like I was on a constant vacation. In hindsight, a vacation sounds nice, but it definitely wasn’t the tropical kind where lying on the beach with a daiquiri in hand is acceptable. Yes, I was waiting tables and applying for jobs, but I was constantly feeling unproductive. It was the only period in my life where I didn’t exactly have a game plan. High school and college were periods where I knew what classes I needed to be taking, what professors were the best and I had a routine down pat. Post-college - not so much. I will say, after starting a routine and adding tasks to my to-do list (see above), I finally felt productive and even good about my daily productivity and myself. Whether you’re applying for jobs, stuck in a job rut or even in college, having some sort of game plan for the day will help you think clearly, feel organized and be more productive.

The Perfectly Unplanned

When I look back, everything in my life was always so perfectly planned. From picking out my communication/public relations degree at Virginia Tech, to the 4 years of undergrad life filled with $3 triple vodka soda's and the best of friends, to a summer-filled with applying for jobs, snagging a job and surviving my full year at that job.

It all happened so fast. So far, my life has been pretty much planned to a tee. After high school, I knew that college was my next step. After college, I knew a job (using my degree) was the next, next step. It was all curated to fit my perfectly planned life. Now, it's funny how I feel like I don't have plans. Yes, I want to eventually get married, have kids, the white picket fence, you know the whole nine yards or the 'so-called normal' things, but right now I'm ok with how things are going.

 I'm perfectly content with my excessive binge-watching of Scandal, nightly glass of Malbec  and Wednesday Night cocktail traditions with my girl friends. Sometimes it's nice to know that maybe there shouldn't always be a plan, a 'normal' timeline of the route your life should take. Sometimes, it's nice to just go with the flow, be laid-back and say screw-it to the timeline. Maybe the unplanned route is the better one. 

6 New Year Resolutions

2014 has been great, I've kicked off my full year at my job, wrote TV spots, wrote radio spots for Pandora, ran races, laughed until I cried and somehow managed to survive. It was a blast! 

I will say, there's something exciting about kicking of a new year and the unexpected that awaits you. I have no idea what changes are going to happen this year, but I can't wait! 

As for 2015, I'm ready for you! Bring it on. Like most, a New Year goes hand-in-hand with working on yourself as a person and so I decided to make some New Year resolutions myself.

Call a friend weekly: Staying in touch is sometimes hard, but friendships are with it and they take effort. This year, I'm going to work on staying in touch and being a friend to those who aren't close.

Break the Habit: I hate how attached to my phone I am. This year, I'm going to work on being in the moment....without my phone. 

Blog: I love my blog and it's my outlet to express my thoughts, emotions and really put myself out there for you all to read. I really really really X's a million, want to make this thing better - starting with transferring everything to WordPress and investing in a camera.

Stress Free: I tend to stress over things that aren't exactly stress-worthy. This year, I'm going to work on my anxiousness, take a breather, go for a run and just relax. 

New Routine: I'm pretty good about hitting the gym, but lately I've been a little on the bored-side with my routine. I mostly run and lift some, but this year I'm going to take time to try new classes. I'm excited to try barre classes and to get back into yoga.

The Little Things: Grabbing a friend a coffee when they're having a bad day or receiving a handwritten note always makes me happy - this year, I'm going to try to make more smaller and meaningful gestures for my friends and family.