Where has this summer gone? I mean after the Fourth of July, I get a little sad to know that there's only a few more weeks left of summer. Ugh.
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Life as of Lately
I couldn’t be more ready for a weekend. Seriously. This week has felt like 2-weeks mashed into one and two days off sounds like a slight vacation. Minus the sandy beach and a tan. Ok, so it’s not a vaca, but you get the idea.
My week was a combination of an Olan Mills-themed photo shoots (you know, those cheesy ones from when you were a kiddo? Those photoshoots), Cinco de Mayo margaritas and some pretty gorgeous weather. Sounds like a good week to me!
Life as of Lately
Sometimes all you need to transform your mood is some gorgeous sunny weather, a long run and some old Easter candy (hey, it’s still good).
With summer slowly creeping in and more and more sunny days to bare my ghost-like white legs, I can’t wait till the warm days stick around. In the meantime, I’ve found that taking time to appreciate springtime (before it all blooms away from us) before it’s too late. A run surrounded by whites, pinks and purple petals, the first of many patio brunch parties (mimosas were a must) and the seasons first brew at the Salem Red Sox game are some of my favorite ways to celebrate springtime. Cheers!
Life as of Lately: Christmas Everything
With getting everything prepped for Christmas - i.e.: wrapping, baking, shopping, cooking, etc., etc., etc. It's easy to lose track of exactly what Christmas is all about. Although this season my entire family can't be together, it'll certainly be special to spend time with my family and friends that are in town.
To me, Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year - my family makes homemade spaghetti & meatballs (my favorite meal, basically ever), we drink vino and tell old stories (my dad pretty much tells the same stories over again - it's seriously amazing how each time the story gets better & better. Not to mention, he remembers everyone's name. I can't even remember what I wore last night. It's seriously impressive, you guys.). There's something special about Christmas Eve that makes it unlike Christmas Day - low key (minus the loud, drunken story-telling), but full of love.
Picture this: A mix between Kenny G and a Star Wars Christmas album, the smell of garlic-y meatballs, tons of red wine and my dad's ultimate Grasshopper Cocktail (mixture of creme de menthe + vanilla ice cream = amazing-ness).
I can't wait.
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?
Life as of Lately
With Christmas only 7 days away, I'm in full-on panic mode. Do I have all my shopping done? No. Have all the Christmas cookies been frosted? Nope. Have I wrapped presents? Nah.
This year, I'm totally unprepared, but hey that's when I get my best work done. Cue: Procrastination-Mode. I will say despite, not being completely prepared for the holiday, I'm definitely in the holiday-spirit. AKA - In the mood to buy anyone & everyone presents, blasting Christmas music in my car and drinking endless amounts of hot cocoa. All things amazing.
Life as of Lately
This week has felt like 2 weeks wrapped up into 1. Long is an understatement. Regardless, it's been a good one and Thanksgiving is next week, which makes it even better! Yay to all the food, wine + family time! That rhymed. Whatever, go with it. I can't wait!
In preparation for the holiday devoted to food, I'm taking this weekend to enjoy some relaxation until the craziness begins. Cheers to a happy weekend!
Life as of Lately
Well hello. It's been awhile. With being out of town in early October to getting my wisdom teeth removed last weekend (ugh) - I've been quite MIA, but I'm back!
Life has been pretty hectic, but really when is it not? I spent a long and lovely weekend in Buffalo (my hometown) surrounded by my brother, sister-in-law and their 2 adorable kids - Mia + Andrew. It was seriously the perfect weekend that consisted of none other than family time. I loved not having an itinerary and truly just going with the flow. Typically, when I travel to Buffalo I have an agenda - I'm usually there for a reason and with family that want to cross off restaurants and activities from their day. This time was different and it was more fun. I loved getting the chance to play with my little niece + nephew, drink a few (or more) pumpkin brews and just relax. I miss them already + am already figuring out when I'll schedule my next trip. I again, plan on not having an itinerary. It's totally worth it.
A few days after the trip to the B-lo, I had my wisdom teeth out. Boy, was that rough. As I type this, I still feel the tinges of pain creep in my jaw - definitely not the best feeling in the world. I'm definitely sick of the whole liquid diet thing and I cannot wait to bite into a slice of cheesy pizza (I was definitely contemplating pureeing pizza. Ya. It got that real). Nonetheless, a few days off for some R&R were definitely what the doctor called for and I did just that.
This week is devoted to resting and taking it easy. Sometimes it's nice to slow down and really savor the moments. Err....the moments you can eat real food.
Life as of Lately
Can 4-day weeks be an actual thing? How can we make this happen?
Getting back into a routine after a much needed 3-day weekend isn't the easiest, but hey, maybe that's what makes them all the more special. Even though this past week has flown by, I am grateful for time spent with friends + family, dinner parties in the prettiest of gardens and fresh flowers from the farmers market. Oh and definitely yummy dinners. Those are nice too.
The older I get the more I truly appreciate the time I get spent laughing with my family. It's funny to think that my teenage-self wouldn't necessarily find it quite as entertaining to hang out with my dad and my girl friend, but my older-self certainly loves it. Life certainly comes full circle and it's definitely a beautiful thing.
Life as of Lately
Hey Friday, fancy seeing you here already. For real, this week has flown by - um, hello almost-September?
For me, this week has been full of time with friends and that is something I love. A lot.
Post-college/being in the 'real world' has taught me that grabbing drinks with friends after work is the equivalent to a dull college night. In the 'real world', it's actually quite wild. Funny how something so small changes after college ends. I mean are we all old now? Can I be 21 again? I miss you, Hokie House. *Crying*
Besides one (or 5) amazing cocktails (River + Rail's 'Solution' margarita is amaze-sauce), this week has given me time to reflect on where exactly I want this blog to go. A colleague has been giving me so much advice/ideas on the posts that I could feature on here and been pushing me to really give this thing a shot. Let's just say its been a week filled with motivation - I can feel my heart beat a little bit faster because hey, I really think I can do this.
I have so much I want to do on this blog - everything from makeup reviews, posting my personal outfits, investing in a professional camera, switching this bad-boy to WordPress and actually getting someone to design this thing for me. I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself (because damn, there's so much I want to do on here), but I really don't think I'm going to stop.
I want to make this big. It's about to happen. One-baby-step at a time.
Life as of Lately
Fall is almost here. The back-to-school commercials are up and airing full throttle, stores are lined with cardigans, jeans and an infinite amount of Sharpie pens.
It’s back-to-school season. How crazy is that, right? Honestly, the older I get the more time seriously jogs by me – actually scratch that, sprints.
Embracing my older age, a 'big girl' job and the responsibility that systematically comes along with these changes is my newfound duty as an adult. This is the second fall season that I haven’t packed up my car, grabbed a few (ok, maybe the whole pack) paper towel rolls from home and headed toward the most amazing place in the world – Blacksburg. As soon as fall is in the air, I’m immediately reminded that I know longer am a student at Virginia Tech, but an alumnus. Alumnus. The word is even weird. The perks of being a so-called adult are definitely there, but I’ll always miss being a student and the fall season lingering in Blacksburg.
As much as I love my pumpkin spice lattes, flannel button-downs and new lineup of fall shows – there’s nothing quite like the adrenaline rush at a Hokie football game or the Drillfield traced with maroon and orange leaves.
To me, fall lives and breathes in Blacksburg. A place where part of my heart will always belong.