As I push my internal clock back into the normalcy of 5:45am wake up calls and actually creating a to-do list, it's pretty inevitable to slightly drag this week. Coffee has definitely sponsored my week. Kudos to you, coffee - kudos to you.
Jamming to: At the beach it was pretty much all Bob Marley, can you blame me? 'Jubel' has been a close second.
"Jubel" - Klingande
Things I'm into:
- Quiet runs on the marsh in the AM.
- Exploring the beach for shark teeth. Yes, we found those bad boys. Whoa.
- The feeling of not wearing makeup + embracing my curly beach air, which is more like an afro but whatever.
- Shrimp. Lots of shrimp. Do I sound like Bubba Gump yet?
- Miami Vices that are actually a meal. (half piña colada / half strawberry daiquiri)
{ If you want to look extra girly + beachy order a Miami Vice. No judgement zone here.}
AM drink-of-choice: Au laits. Coffee topped with steamed milk. It's the perfect latte substitute. I add a little vanilla and I fool myself into thinking it's actually a latte).
Reading: I used to read all the time. My mom would get so mad at me for 'sneak' reading (what a nerd) late night. Now between Netflix & social media, I hate to say I've been slacking on my reading. At the beach this past week I almost finished 'One Summer' by ____. I can't quite put it down.
{ Late happy hour margs. I mean my life is pretty much a compilation of random cocktails, it's cool. }
{ Hi Shark Week, is that you? These are real shark teeth. If you got the chills, it's cool so did I. }