I admit, I'm a little obsessed with working out; whether it's the newest boutique classes (which I obvi can't afford) or the next best fitness Instagramer to follow -- I know it, have researched it, followed it or whatever you do these days. If you're rolling your eyes at me right now, it's cool - I get it, I probably would too. Working out takes time and patience and money, especially if you're into those pricey spin classes - can a girl catch a break?! I digress.
From spin class to running, I'm guilty of hitting up the gym at least 6 days a week (I know, I know - that's a lot). Whatever, it's my me-time (see: introvert vs. extrovert). When it comes to what's in my gym bag, I've learned a few tricks along the way, particularly in the hair & makeup department. Meaning, I've definitely had my fair share of mishaps like forgetting dry shampoo, not bringing shower shoes or only bringing one sock. I can't help you when you forget stuff, I wish I could, but it's just not happening. What I can help you with is items to always keep in your bag. Hint: do not remove them. Ever. Unless you're into the wet dog look, which in that case - go for it.
Clean Freak Dry Shampoo | Let's be real, I sweat. A lot. And then my hair does that frizzy, curly-thing that makes me look not ok post-workout. Cue: dry shampoo. I always keep a little bottle of this one in my bag and one of the tips I've learned along the way to avoid looking like a wet dog (see also: been there, done that) is to spritz a few sprays of the dry shampoo into your hair pre-workout. This will help absorb the inevitable sweat and keep your hair smelling good along the way.
Bobby pins | This is pretty self-explanatory. I'm prone to flyaways, which is obviously a naturally curly-hair problem, and bobby pins are necessary all the time. I carry them in my purse, workbag, they're all over my closet, my car - you get the drill. Why not carry them in your gym bag? Rhetorical question.
L'oreal Magic Skin Beautifier B.B. Cream | Post-spin class my face is blotchy AF. I'm lucky that I have such a flexible job that I can, if I want to, workout during the day, which basically means I probably won't have time to shower again from the morning. That's where BB cream comes into the picture. I don't want to look like I caked on makeup or don't want to waste my pricier foundation post-workout, so BB cream is the way to go. It's light, looks au natural, and covers up redness. I really like this L'oreal one, which I bought on accident, because it comes out white but then matches to your skin tone. It's actually a really great buy, especially for the price tag.
Deodorant | Do I really need to explain this one? Probably not. Secret has always been my go-to.
Socks | I'm notorious for forgetting a pair of socks or even worse -- only bringing one. Best tip I can give you? Always keep an extra pair in your gym bag. Enough said.
Stretchy headband | I actually got these stretchy hand bands from Michaels - weird, right? They're actually my favorite though because they completely keep the flyaways away (similar here).
Shower shoes | Hint if you forget the shoes see below. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. *You can't beat $2.50 flip flops from Old Navy
Gallon Ziploc bag | K, this is probably the most random item of them all, but the most versatile. 1) it's ideal for putting your sweaty workout clothes in post-workout 2) also perfect for liquids; i.e.: BB cream, lotion, etc. 3) forgot your shower shoes? Makeshift this thang into a little shower mat and you're good to go.
Gold Bond Shea Butter lotion | There's nothing worse than forgetting lotion, especially in the winter when your legs are looking a little ashy. Side note: this Gold Bond one doubles as a face moisturizer, which I love because I always forget to pack that. Ironic, right.