February is easily one of my least favorite months. Hear me out, it's bone chilling freezing and there's really nothing to look forward to except maybe Valentine's Day and even that's a stretch. Besides being forever cold, I've tried to keep myself busy and entertained these past few weeks, which have eerily flown by.
Between the Super Bowl chaos, watching the cutest pup alive, to testing my 'uncrafty' skills at West Elm's paper flower making class, to indulging in some Duck Donuts pre-lent, this month has proved me wrong. Maybe February isn't so bad after all? We shall see.
On the other hand, I can't wait to share with you all some big Lipstick + Love news! Stay tuned, lovies, it'll soon be out! I hope each of you has a great Valentine's Day weekend, whether you're spending it with some Valentine's Day movies & food or you're rocking some gorgeous holiday-inspired looks!
{ Koala pencils are always a good idea. }
{ The prettiest birthday flower arrangement. }
{ Lazy Sundays complete with buttermilk waffles and café au laits at Sweet Donkey Coffee. }
{ He is the absolute cutest. }
{ Duck Donuts, you've won my heart. Those sprinkles are definitely the key to my heart. }
{ Charlotte, NC: Super Bowl Sunday }